Your dog will relax in their own comfortable, spacious sleeping quarters on trampoline style beds. The sleeping area is protected to keep your pet comfortable all year round. On those long hot summer days, fans combined with a cool mist system are utilised to keep your dog cool and in winter extra blankets and dog coats/jumpers are available to keep your dog nice and warm.
Our kennel set up encourages a relaxed environment, with two blocks of 10 kennels, each block separated by grassy runs. This is perfect for the nervous boarder as they are less overwhelmed and feel more secure.
Exercise & Play
Exercise and play is a part of a healthy lifestyle at Razz n Jazz Kennels. Our boarders have access to multiple shady, fully grassed runs, ranging in size from 30m2 to a whopping 300m2, to suit all sized dogs. Regular exercise and play time is provided for each of our boarders, with frequent interaction with us. During this time we make sure your dog is relaxed and comfortable by ensuring they don’t have to share their run.
Only the best will do for your dogs diet at Razz n Jazz Kennels, with premium Royal Canin food being provided during their stay. If your beloved pooch has their own special diet, we are more than happy for you to supply this for their stay.